Monday, 4 May 2015

Week commencing 4th May.


Post Pitch/Presentation.

After pitching our concept and final design ideas to the board of rooftop owners, we came away feeling slightly disheartened about the final outcome. The clients suggested a change of placing for this sensory experience, as they feel the shelter on the rooftop space could be restrictive and take away the actual experience of being on the rooftop itself which we do not want to do. So, we will now be working on the stairs to the rooftop, to engage the audience up through this journey to a new, exciting and unfamiliar place which will be much more successful. So, we need to think more about the individual experience and the sensation we want to create when the viewer is travelling to the rooftop and the engagement we want them to have. By doing this out original intentions from the start of this project will still be relevant and carry through just in a slightly different way.

From this whole experience of working with a client and for a particular space I have definitely learnt some valuable lessons about being slightly too ambitious and working to a tight deadline. These are great things to be learning and experiencing whilst a student in preparation for the professional world.

A visit to the rooftop the day of the presentation confirmed the concerns of the clients, and made us realise the greater opportunities and how much more simple yet effective it would be to work on the stair structure, due to hanging and engagement opportunity's. Having the chance to go to the rooftop space earlier would have been so much better for us to visualise how the shelter and experience would work and would have probably made our work much more stronger as we would have recognised these possibilities and restrictions.

After the change of plan suggested in the pitch after the pitch, the days after this should have been very productive and driven from all group members in order to decide on new pieces and development to go onto the rooftop stair way. However, after waiting for hours for other group members not to come in the studio, and poor communication- myself, India and Lauren decided after a talk with Kate Egan to form a splinter group with the short time we have remaining.

Development of ideas- splinter group.

After this, the remainder of the week has been very productive, and we are feeling confident about the intentions and development of this project into the final outcomes for the exhibition next week. We have focussed on going back to the drawing board and thinking how we could really work with and engage with the stairway space. 

Drawing and visualising as a group.

Individual sketchbook work.

We have spent lots of time experimenting and developing ideas for the different elements which we want for this sensory experience, thinking about visuals, colours, textures and sounds. This has been much more enjoyable and engaging as a student in comparison to the simple structure made of just simple printing screens, as this development and experimentation is my favourite part of a project as a textile student.


Colour has also been important to us in developing our ideas this week, as after the feedback from the clients we where keen for our pieces to not only just work onto the rooftop stairs,but to also complement and fit in with the surroundings. By using the colour palette from the rooftop itself in our pieces we hope that this is a successful way of integrating this new and exciting experience for the audience when journeying to the rooftop itself, without drawing attention away from the whole experience.

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