Monday, 16 February 2015

Monday 16th February.

Although the samples that I have created so far in development from my imagery for my self initiated project reflect some of the qualities that I have intended to represent and communicate from the start of this unit of work, I need to reconsider and be much more sensitive with my colour pallette, compositions and the qualities of yarn which I have been using using together.

My yarn choices can feel slightly acrylic in some areas of the pieces which is something that I definitly do not want, so a revision of these yarns is well needed.
Furthermore, I need to begin to develop the printed imagery that I have been wanting, to represent the segments of imagery throughout my visual research. To do this I will be using flocking and foil, whcih will communicate this segmentaion, but also add to the different qualities and different feeling which represent these different layers and emotions through the city.
Scale and communication is definitly something that I need to think about when creating these pieces due to my context.

I have had some success in finding a volunteering role, as I have been asked to assist as a volunteer at an event at Salford Quays titled "PixelPyros" on Friday 13th March. This is a really exciting opportunity for me due to my interest in this field.

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