Thursday, 20 February 2014


Contextual references to me are of great importance within any project that I produce, whether it is inspiring my ideas, drawings, sketchbook, samples or final piece. I think that without this research and inspiration my work would not be as successful as it is, as it would be lacking in focus and drive due to not being inspired by things I have seen.

Jeremy Wood.
My drawings for this Sampling project based on Data, have been heavily focussed on line quality and negative space.  One of my main inspirations for these drawings and further work was Jeremy Wood. Wood is an artist and map maker who pioneered GPS drawing too investigate the expressive qualities of tracing his daily movement digitally. The imagery that Wood creates from this process are so interesting and unusual, and the main attraction for me to his work was the inverted look of some of the imagery. Rather than being traditional black drawings on white background, he makes use of white drawings on a black background which look so effective. Also, the idea of a drawing being the outcome itself is something I find inspiring as a student, as drawing to me is very important and my main drive through a project.
Negative space map drawing.
Christine Mauersberger.
Another important contextual reference within the unit of work for me was the artist Christine Mauersberger. As I have said previously on my blog, installation art is something which I find really appealing and inspiring, and is definitely something I would love to do in future work. I think that if we were to create final outcomes of this project would progress into large scale pieces of embroidered fabric, rather than a garment or interior piece.  Mauersberger’s use of line and fabric is what attracted me too her work, as my samples and drawings have been heavily focussed on line and mark and the impact these have on a piece of fabric or paper. I love the way that her pieces look quite simple and plain at first glance, but at full scale they are beautifully embroidered and well thought out and composed.

Tailor tacking sample with satin zig zag stitch lines.
Karen M O'Leary
Artist Karen M O’Leary’s paper cut maps have also been a big source of inspiration to me in this unit of work. Mark making has been a big focus within the drawings I have produced from start too end of this project, after a drawing workshop at the beginning of the unit I realised that mark making with objects not always associated with drawing is a very useful way of creating drawings filled with unusual marks and textures relating to ideas and themes we already have in mind. It was the use of colour blocks and the filling of negative space in O’Learys work that attracted me too her work, as use of negative space and filling or drawing with negative space has been the theme of my drawings and sampling for this unit.
Mark making drawing- map lines.

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