Thursday, 30 January 2014

Drawing development.

This week I have been focussing a lot on developing my drawings for this project, to give me more ideas and inspiration too push me further through this project and develop my samples. Inspired by imagery I found from contextual references and on pinterest, i have been drawing from maps and my routes taken on journeys. I think that by drawing using techniques I have never explored before until workshops in this sampling unit has definitely made my drawings more successful and given me more too work from in terms of samples. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Embroidery: hand stitch week two.

This week in hand embroidery, I have been developing my samples much further focussing on my successful drawings and the research I have been doing through my sketchbook work.
Sketchbook Development.

Cornelli machine: negative space cut out samples.

Although these are two separate samples, I think they look much more successful when placed together- the sample on the right is like the inverted version of the left, which I think is a really nice idea. I have been using inverting as a technique in my sketchbook and drawings, inspired by some of the contextual references I have been looking at. 
Herringbone stitch and bondaweb sample- filling negative space.

This sample has been much more unsuccessful. The bonded on loose threads done have as good an impact as a hand stitched line does, I think it looks much more soft and flimsy compared too my other samples because of this technique. Also, the use of ice white threads on this cream peasant cotton is not a good combination to use for samples.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Contextual Reference: Karen M O'leary.

These paper cut maps by Karen M O'Leary really caught my eye when I came across them. I love the graphic look of them, and the use of black with white drawn-like cut out marks, in opposition too the tradition drawn black line on a white background. I would like too explore my idea of filling negative space and drawing with it much further through this project, and this work by O'Leary has informed these ideas. In terms of drawing, I am going too experiment in producing different marks drawn from the maps I have been using, and experiment with inverting and creating, filling or transforming the negative space in these drawings.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Embroidery: hand stitch week one.

Week one of hand embroidery after Christmas- has been about learning new stitches of my choice and developing with these stitches. I chose wheatear, cross, blanket, herringbone and feather stitch.
Wheatear stitch sample inspired my mapping drawings, focussing on filling the negative space.

Of the samples I have produced this week, this is my success. The composition of lines and difference in line is really interesting, and the filling in of negative space with the wheat eater stitch works really well and gives the sample a graphic feel.

This idea of filling negative is something I'd like too explore.
Feather stitch- map line drawing sample.

This sample is much more unsuccessful. Although I like the feather stitch and I think it could work well in my hand stitch samples, the lines and composition I have used are what makes it unsuccessful. Compared too the other samples I have done, this is much more simple, and the shades of grey and black don't work as well as the black, whites and creams I have been using in the others.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Christmas Holidays.

Over the Christmas holidays, focus for me has been on hand stitch samples along with developing my drawings and ideas for the "data" project.
After looking back on the initial work I produced before this Christmas break, the most successful drawings and possibility for development through my embroidery for this project is through the mapping ideas which I did in response too the feedback week task.

Map drawing- couched sample with ladder stitch.
This is what I feel is the most successful sample from over the Christmas break. Although it is technically simple, I love the drawn feeling of the lines and the different qualities they each have. It also directly relates too a drawing I did from my route too the city art gallery - this idea of line quality and space is what I have been interested in so far in my drawings.

Spiral drawing- chain stitch.

I was also asked to produce three stitched spiral samples inspired by the drawings workshop drawings done before Christmas. Although this isn't something I'll be carrying through this project, I like the marks and textures in this sample. The choice of fabric and thread work really well together in this particular piece, which shows the importance of these choices.