Friday, 20 December 2013

Embroidery introduction.

This week, I have been introduced too initial hand embroidery techniques such as chain, ladder, French knots and running stitch. I’ll be using these throughout the samples I will be completing over the Christmas holidays. These stitches are very flexible and will give me the chance to interperet and use them in many different ways inspired by by drawings.
 I have been developing my idea of mapping from my route to Manchester city art gallery, by working in my sketchbook from maps I have off google maps. These will be inspiring my samples along with the initial drawings I did last week such as the spirals and mark making drawings.
 I think that the drawings I’m doing are going well, and have many development opportunities that I will continue to explore. I am very interested and inspired by the lines, marks and shapes found in maps and this is what I’ll be translating into my embroidery.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Textiles World 2: Embroidery.

This first week in embroidery focus has been on drawing in different and unusual ways to create new exciting and interesting drawings for this unit. From a drawing workshop focussed on drawing spirals in uncomfortable conditions, in a continuous line with each like 3mm apart- too mark making with materials like kitchen scourers and fuse terminals.

These workshops have been really useful, educational and inspiring to the way of working and thinking.In future, I will take a different approach to my traditional drawing techniques, pushing myself out of my comfort zone and setting myself tasks, as this creates much more interesting and unusual drawings, with unusual lines and textures as produced in this weeks workshops.

Spiral drawing made by using an oil bar resist technique, stood over a table.

Spiral drawing done with ruler meausing precisely 3mm in between lines, stood over table.
Mark making "map drawing" focussed on line quality and negative space in maps.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Feedback Week: Task 2.

The second task of this feedback week was about discussing and sharing my own experience with other students who have been in different textiles worlds for this unit of work. 
I found this a very informative and interesting task, as I not only got lots of information and guidelines on Embroidery which is the next textile world I'll be going in to. I also had the chance to tell other people about Construct and the work I produced over the last 6 weeks within that world. 
I realised that  the drawings which I have been producing this week could be developed into much more mark making based things, in order to inspire my embroidery work, as looking at other students embroidery work, there samples work best when focussed on a drawing with lots of marks/textures in them.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Feedback Week: Task One.

During this feedback week, we have been set two tasks to complete whilst not in any workshops or tutorials which will enable us to move on from our origins unit and progress into our new unit: Sampling.

Task one:
The aim of the first task set was to develop different ways of communicating imformation and ideas by visiting a musuem or gallery and during the visit ,aswell as looking at and recording the information seen, notice, observe and find ways to record some of the less obvious aspects of going to a gallery or a museum.
Mapping and Measuring are two words given to us as starting points, the focus was on noticing everything about how you make your journey, move around the space in the museum or gallery and how your eyes move around a piece of work or an object.
In response to this task, I decided that before my trip, I would plan out the route I would be taking from my house to the Manchester City Art Gallery. I did this by going on google maps and getting the route highlighted on the map, i worked from these images and parts of the map to create drawings of my route focussing on line and marks on the map in large and small sections.

As well as this, whilst at the Art gallery, I did some observational drawing of my journey through the gallery and also of the work which I looked at in the exhibits making notes on what I thought about the pieces of work and mapping the layout of the exhibit.

Overall, I think that in terms of the successfulness of this task, I think that the initial mapping and route planning which I did before my journey have created much more interesting pieces which I could develop much further with more drawings and also in embroidery samples. Although I enjoyed taking notes and making the observational drawings within the gallery space itself I think that i should have spent more time drawing the path i took through the gallery rather than focussing on the different pieces I saw, as these drawings and notes are not as interesting in my opinion as the route drawings.