From the photo's taken around Manchester city centre earlier in the week, I have responded to these images by drawing in different ways instructed by 16 chance cards I was given in the launch of this project. These chance cards included tasks such as: " make a drawing onto a sheet of folded paper" , "make a cut paper drawing" , "make a light drawing on a dark background" and "make a drawing using only 20 lines". These where left to the individual to interpret the instruction in whichever way they felt best.
These are just a few of the drawings i have completed in response to these 16 chance cards:
Make a drawing using dust:
Using the dust of a white compressed charcoal stick and my fingers, I created a drawing inspired by the windows, glass and lines of the new school of art building. I love the overall look and feel of this drawing and the way it isn't a direct representation of the image it was inspired by it is much more abstract and focussed on the actual marks and textures made using this technique.
Make a drawing using indian ink and different sized brushes:
Inspired by the lines and angles of this image captured of a building in Manchester, using black Indian ink and various sized paint brushes I drew a representational image of the building. I really like the three dimensional look of the drawing and the way the ink with the various sized brushes has varied the lines or brush strokes and created different textures and marks on the paper. I also find the repetitive lines really interesting. This chance card could be developed in a really interesting way if given the time experimenting with the different marks that could be made inspired by different imagery.
Make a folded paper drawing:
By folding my piece of cartridge paper into squares and ensuring the folds where really clean and crisp, when folded back out i was able to make a drawing using a charcoal stick and rubbing it over these folded lines. I was again inspired by the lines and marks of the windows of buildings in this drawing. I particularly like the way when pressing a bit harder on the charcoal stick there are darker areas of lines against the white background.
Make a drawing from shadows:
When taking this photograph in the northern quarter, Manchester, i wanted to capture the shadows of the steps on the building as I thought they where really interesting. So for the " make a drawing from shadows" chance card i decided to cry and create these marks of the shadows on paper. I used a scouring pad dipped in Indian ink to create the unusual marked lines. I find the marks made with this technique have worked really well and the overall composition and idea of the drawing a success. If I was to develop this idea, I would definitely be more aware of trying to capture shadows by camera in unusual ways to then draw and work from.
Make a drawing on layered sheets of transparent papers:
Working from a variety of different photographs which i captures around Manchester centre, i created drawings on various different pieces of tracing paper and then overlaid these in a certain way to create an interesting layered drawing and composition. I really like the way this works and the way the drawings overlay yet fit together. The overlaying and drawing has created some interesting marks and lines which i always find very interesting in my work.
Make a drawing on a found or ready made object:
This piece was created by laying my paper onto a textured surface in the art studio and sketching over the paper gently in lines with a pencil. the grooves and marks of the surface are then captured in the drawing creating lovely edges and marks.